[Helix House and Dome] [Astronomy] [Ritchie Telescope] [Meetings and Events] [Miscellaneous] [Astronomy Day]
Astronomy Day is a grass roots movement to share the joy of astronomy with the general population - "Bringing Astronomy to the People." On Astronomy Day, thousands of people who have never looked through a telescope will have an opportunity to see first hand what has so many amateur and professional astronomers all excited. Astronomy clubs, science museums, observatories, universities, planetariums, laboratories, libraries, and nature centers host special events and activities to acquaint their population with local astronomical resources and facilities. It is an astronomical PR event that helps highlight ways the general public can get involved with astronomy - or at least get some of their questions about astronomy answered.
For the Battle Point Astronomical Association, Astronomy Day is a way to share our interest and love of astronomy with the community. It is also a chance for students to become excited about science. And, it is fun and a good boost of morale for our club!
Astronomy Day occurs sometime between mid April and mid May on a Saturday near or before the 1st quarter Moon. The date is published by the Astronomical League and Sky & Telescope. In 2003, BPAA held a July Open House instead of Astronomy Day.
BPAA has held some very successful Astronomy Day events. To see what went on, select a year from the following list:
Astronomy Day, 1998: This was the second year that we held Astronomy Day at our own facility. Prior to 1997, the club set up a table on Winslow Green. Solar viewing. David Warman, Cathy Koehler, a visitor and Jared Barnhill relaxing while a talk was underway inside; and tables set up in front of Observatory with a sun shade and the solar viewing area to the left.
All photos by Paul Below, unless otherwise noted.
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