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Astronomy Day

Astronomy Day:  April 8, 2000

Our best Astronomy Day ever!  The club newsletter had articles about the events, including lectures, young astronomers' program, solar observing, robot demos, potluck, giveaways, and star party.  These are the first pictures posted from the day's events. Not pictured, the ever-popular scale model solar system walk around the Park.

Solar viewing

setting up(32k)   solar viewing (30k)  Solar viewing(22k) telescope(40k)

left to right: Paul Below sets up; Karla Guillaume adjusts scope; visitor views sunspots; another tries telescopes

Information Table

Jessa(34k)   Helen(32k)  info table  (20k)

left to right: Jessa Fasel in front of some of the perennials she planted; Helen Gardiner; Diane Colvin

Jessa and Helen(40k)

Hospitality committee:  Jessa and Helen


Dome tour(29k)  Gena(19k)

(left) Visitors ask questions in the dome; (right) Gena Ritchie, chief docent

Potluck Dinner in the Park, the volunteers relax

potluck(31k)     potluck(40k) Potluck(32k)  

(left) left to right: Mac Gardiner, Frank Anderson, Sally (Center) left to right front table, Mac Gardiner, Gena Ritchie, John Rudolph, Sally, Cathy Koehler (right) John Rudolph and Sally

Potluck(28k)    Potluck(29k)

Mars Rover model and Robot Construction

The Mars Rover model was placed in a simulated Martian terrain.  The camera mounted on the rover was aimed at a color panarama of Mars at the end of the box.  The control room was situated so the operator used the transmitted images to operate the rover.

 Mars Rover(25k)  Mars rover(41k)  Mars Rover(29k)

 (left) The model rover ready to roll off of the "lander" (center) Young astronomers wait in line to operate the rover (right) Bill O'Neill supervises the rover operator in the control room.  


Jim Vaughan demonstrating the robot constuction project for some visitors.  The robot was voice activated and was constructed by young astronomers in the weeks preceeding Astronomy Day.

Official Greeter


All Astronomy Day 2000  photos by Rik Shafer.

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