Sir Winston Church said something like this about Americans during WWII: 'The Americans eventually get there after they have exhausted all other possibilities'. It is my experience that he may have a point, but I don't think it is confined to Americans. So, in his honor, I have created The Royal Order of The Roundabout MOTTO: We get there eventually in a roundabout sort of way (Islanders will recognize the graphic developed by our City of our new traffic circle with the City logo in the center. I didn't do it, honest. I just added the ribbon. Something karmic about that though.). If you can think of a worthy recipient drop a vote in the.. BALLOT BOX No stuffing! One email address, one vote and don't go taking out a bunch of Hotmail addresses. (Your Karma will be that much more spam and Microsoft adds.) Put "Roundabout" in the subject line and explain the reason for the honor. I am interested in seeing who or what people think is deserving of the award. This is not confined to Bainbridge Island and you don't have to live here to vote, feel free to extend the honor of a nomination beyond our shores. (Senator Proxmire; Eat your heart out.)