The Community of Bainbridge Island

Location of Parks
Trails - Locations and things to do.
Park Information
Locations, descriptions, information.
B.I. Park & Recreation Dept.
Main page.

Gardening On Bainbridge Island
Home grown and organic.
Bloedel Reserve
A beautiful estate garden preserved for public access and enjoyment.
Farmers Market
Our local producers sell their wares.

Artists and Craftsmen of Bainbridge Island. - Those who create locally.
Cultural Resources Database
Find an artist, craftsman or art related business or organization.
Senior Art Program is a success
A local art instructor has a senior moment.
Bainbridge Island Arts & Humanities Council
The umbrella arts organization for Bainbridge Island.
Check out the community calendar for art related events.

HISTORY - Old & New
Bainbridge Island Historical Society
The keepers of the Island's colorful past.
2001 Old Timers Picnic
Yes, there are still some left, here's proof.
Mac's Tavern
The oldest surviving building on our waterfront and of mixed reputation for older Islanders.
Japanese Community
The making of Mochi.

Our 4th of July.

Here is a look at last year's fun.

NEW - Conversation Cafe
Welcome to one of the newest groups to spring up on the Island.
On the Subject of Human Rights
Recent events, a rally and a few thoughts.
On the Subject of the EnvironmentTwo issues of national significance, some local ones coming and a letter from David Guterson.

City of Bainbridge Island
Bainbridge Public Library
Helpline House
Local community support services.
Bainbridge Ometepe
Sister city project.
Domestic Violence Assistance Program

Bainbridge Rowing Club
Ed Ritchie Observatory
Built and used by the Bainbridge Island Astronomy Society.
Bainbridge Island Kiwanis Club
Bainbridge Island Flyfishers
The "cast" system is alive and well on the Rock.
Bainbridge Island Mountain Bikers Organized (B.I.M.B.O.)
Bainbridge Island Trout Unlimited
If you're a trout on Bainbridge you have to be cutthroat.
Eagle Harbor Yacht Club
Low key and downtown.

Battle Point Kids Play Area
A few photos of the construction of the new kids play area at Battle Point.
It's About Time for Kids
is here!!

Family Disaster Supply Kits
Find out how to make your own kit.

Find out about the latest earthquake activity.
You Don't Know Jack
Test your knowledge of the Island and local happenings, and dispel a few rumors about who is sleeping with whom.
Listening with the Heart, with photographs by Beverly Duperly Boos and quotes and stories from the Israelis and Palestinians portrayed.

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There's a new game in town
The Royal Order of..
The Roundabout

Sir Winston Church said something like this about Americans during WWII:
'The Americans eventually get there after they have exhausted all other possibilities'.

It is my experience that he may have a point, but I don't think it is confined to Americans.

So, in his honor, I have created The Royal Order of The Roundabout

MOTTO: We get there eventually in a roundabout sort of way

(Islanders will recognize the graphic developed by our City of our new traffic circle with the City logo in the center. I didn't do it, honest. I just added the ribbon. Something karmic about that though.).

If you can think of a worthy recipient drop a vote in the..


No stuffing! One email address, one vote and don't go taking out a bunch of Hotmail addresses. (Your Karma will be that much more spam and Microsoft adds.) Put "Roundabout" in the subject line and explain the reason for the honor. I am interested in seeing who or what people think is deserving of the award. This is not confined to Bainbridge Island and you don't have to live here to vote, feel free to extend the honor of a nomination beyond our shores.
(Senator Proxmire; Eat your heart out.)

Be seeing you - Dave