Section III: Administration and Operation
A. Organization and Administration
BPAA Organization Chart
Board of Directors
Facility Director
Operations Director
Chief Astronomer
Computer and Internet Mgr
Operating Procedures
BPAA By-laws state that all administrative actions are taken by, or delegated
by the Board:
It meets on the first Tuesday or Wednesday of each month and/or when called
by the secretary for specific agenda.
It elects, or confirms the appointment of all officers, managers, and
It is responsible to the Sec. of State of Washington to act in compliance
with its Articles of Inforporation and to the IRS to function in accordance
with the acceptance as a non-profit organization.
It must ensure compliance with the terms of the construction contract and
lease held by the Bainbridge Island Park and Recreation Board.
It holds one full membership annual meeting in January each year, in which
it reports to the membership on actions taken.
It nominates all officers in the corporation. Members may nominate
other members for office. Election is by member majority vote.
Members may petition the corporation by referendum action.
Simple majority approval by membership is required for change in membership
Corporate Officers
The Corporate positions of President, Treasurer and Secretary are legally
required by the Articles of Incorporation. All other positions are
determined by the Board to meet current requirements. All offices are
unpaid, but it is anticipated that the Administrative Assistant, security
and maintenance positions may have to be paid. To provide continuity,
as well as backup in a volunteer organization, a vice president position
is appropriate, as are deputy officers (not noted on the previous chart).
Directors of Operations
The Corporation builds facilities, constructs and operates a telescope system
and directs operations. Their duties are as follows:
The Director of Facilities is responsible for the construction of
all building elements, and the equipping of the Library and Conferencing
elements. He is also the one-point liaison contact with the Bainbridge
Island Park and Recreation Board.
The Chief Astronomer is responsible for the telescope system:
construction; maintenance; upgrading; and operations. He also
has responsibility for equipping the shop and supervising its operations.
The Director of Operations works with the Chief Astronomer in scheduling,
directing and supporting all operations. Maintenance and security are
scheduled with the Director of Facilities and Chief Astronomer. Major
operations include Events and Programs, Publications, Education Programs,
Research programs scheduling, and facility operations scheduling.
Events and Programs include all group meetings that members generate or attend.
Star gazing, visits, lectures, fairs and dinners are all programmed.
Publication includes all BPAA contacts internal and external through
newsletter, releases, bulletin board, web page, email, and publication of
reports, minutes and brochures. The full education program is detailed
in Section IV.
Operations Managers
Their duties are as follows:
The Safety and Security Manager: BPAA and BIPRD are equally
concerned about this facility. BPAA has agreed to hold BPIRD harmless
for personnel indemnity during construction and operation. Amateur
construction crews are used whenever possible, and large heavy elements are
involved. The building is three stories high, and personnel operate
in near complete darkness in and around the observatory. Safety is
a major concern.
The value of the completed facility will be among the highest of all Park
Board elements, and it is located on Public Grounds, subject to public view.
It will be a tempting target for thieves and vandals, and will be typically
open and operating at night. Security, both passive and active, must
be maintained. At present we consider this job to be done by a
professional, possibly linked to the maintenance (custodian) function.
Maintenance Manager: The whole facility is a system whose elements
are unknown to most of those using it. However, all count on the system
performing adequately at all times. Much of the technical maintenance
will be done by specialist amateurs at scheduled times that meet their
convenience, but the custodial and emergency repair functions will call for
paid employees who will always be available.
Schedules Manager: Keeping track, resolving conflicts, and properly
informing all participants with overlapping objectives make this task formidable
and thankless. Such a manager, though hard to find, is essential.
Section I.A: Purpose and Charter
Section I.B: History and Chronological
Section I.C: History of Battle Point
Section II.A: Facilities: Physical
Section II.B: Facilities: Operating
System and Equipment
Section II.B: Facilities: Operating
System and Equipment, part 2
Section III.A: Organization and
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