Section III:  Administration and Operation

A.  Organization and Administration

BPAA Organization Chart

Administration Operations


Board of Directors

Facility Director Operations Director Chief Astronomer
President Chairman
  • Architect
  • Mgr Events and Programs
  • Shop Supervisor
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Construction Supervisor
  • Mgr Publications
  • Observatory Mgr
  • Corp. Attorney
  • Members
  • Library Manager
  • Mgr Education Programs
  • Support Equipment Mgr
  • Treasurer
  • Park Board Liaison
  • Mgr Safety and Security
  • Computer Network Mgr.
  • Budget Controller
  • Conference Systems
  • Maintenance Mgr
  • Funding Programs Manager
  • Computer and Internet Mgr

Operating Procedures

BPAA By-laws state that all administrative actions are taken by, or delegated by the Board:

Corporate Officers

The Corporate positions of President, Treasurer and Secretary are legally required by the Articles of Incorporation.  All other positions are determined by the Board to meet current requirements.  All offices are unpaid, but it is anticipated that the Administrative Assistant, security and maintenance positions may have to be paid.  To provide continuity, as well as backup in a volunteer organization, a vice president position is appropriate, as are deputy officers (not noted on the previous chart).

Directors of Operations

The Corporation builds facilities, constructs and operates a telescope system and directs operations.  Their duties are as follows:

Events and Programs include all group meetings that members generate or attend.  Star gazing, visits, lectures, fairs and dinners are all programmed.  Publication includes all BPAA contacts internal and external through newsletter, releases, bulletin board, web page, email, and publication of reports, minutes and brochures.  The full education program is detailed in Section IV.

Operations Managers

Their duties are as follows:

(document)  Section I.A:  Purpose and Charter  

(document)  Section I.B:  History and Chronological Development  

(document)  Section I.C:  History of Battle Point  Park  

(document)  Section II.A:  Facilities:  Physical Plant

(document)  Section II.B:  Facilities:  Operating System and Equipment

(document)  Section II.B:  Facilities:  Operating System and Equipment, part 2

(document)  Section III.A:  Organization and Administration

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