from Earth and Mars: University of Washington (Atmospheric and Space
Sciences for K-12 and the Public: A Northwest Approach)
Learn the Constellations
(learn about and test your knowledge of the constellations)
Space Day (Lockheed Martin presents
this week in space and things to do)
Berit's Best Sites for Children
, a librarian who rates many internet sites including a nice
selection of space (and astronomy) sites for children
(NASA's learning center for young astronomers)
Space Science
Hotlist (Franklin Institute list of links for educators)
Project (An annual expedition where kids can work side by side
with scientists, with live broadcasts)
Solar System
Collisions (crash an asteroid into your favorite planet!)
Experimental Payload (model rocketry programs for students)
is BPAA's own introduction to amateur
astronomy with tips for getting a start in our hobby.
Teachers, check out
Astro in the Seattle area!
and the NASA Education home
Return to the home page of the
Battle Point
Astronomical Association.
or, the
Favorite Astronomy Links page, for links to other cool astronomy
web sites.
Return to the top of this page.