[NASA] [Current Events and Publications] [Weather] [Astronomy Organizations]
[Astro Lists and Searching] [Amateur Telescope Makers] [Sky Charts and Pictures]
[Archaeoastronomy] [Miscellaneous] [Telescopes & Equipment Vendors]
Other BPAA Links Pages: [Kid's Page] [Links to Local Astronomy Organizations]
![]() Mars Odyssey (current mission to Mars) |
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J-Track 3D ( Java applet that shows positions of satellites in 3D) | NASA Home Page | |
Cassini (mission to Saturn) | SOHO (solar and heliospheric observatory) | Space Calendar (space-related activities and anniversaries for the coming year) |
Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Mission (mission to orbit an asteroid) | Project Galileo (Bringing Jupiter to Earth) | |
Amateur Astronomy Magazine | Astronomy Magazine | Astronomy Now (UK Astronomy magazine) |
Aurora activity (NOAA) | Space.com (Space Online's Space Today) | Heavens Above / GSOC Satellite Predictions (times and maps for seeing the ISS and Iridium flares) |
Liftoff to Space Exploration (news and location of spacecraft, lots of cool stuff) | Skywatcher's Diary (Abrams Planetarium) | Sky Online (Sky & Telescope Magazine) |
Star Gazer (Jack Horkheimer, scripts of his TV program) | Solar Influence Data Center (latest solar data, sunspot numbers) | Scientific American |
This Week's Sky at a Glance (Sky & Telescope Magazine) | Upcoming Eclipses (US Naval Observatory) | US Naval Observatory (Time and sun/moon rise/set/phases) |
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Starcast (weather and current night sky events) | Cloud forecast for Astronomical Purposes (Canadian model and simulation that predicts cloud cover, the western images include the NW US.) |
Bremerton, WA forecast (weather.com) | Accuweather | Clear Sky Clock for Bainbridge Island |
Astronomical Society of the Pacific (largest general astronomy organization, nonprofit) | American Astronomical Society (North American organization for professionals) | International Dark Sky Association (non-profit organization dedicated to restoring our view of the night sky) |
Astronomical League (organization of amateur astronomy clubs, nice list of astronomy clubs, details on observing programs) | International Occultatation Timing Association (IOTA) | The Astronomy Connection (California amateur group with good information) |
International Meteor Organization (International cooperation for amateurs doing meteor work) | University of Washington Astronomy Department (Seattle) | |
American Meteor Society | North American Meteor Network | Mount Wilson Observatory (non-profit science and educational organization) |
S&T's Directory of Astronomy Clubs, Planetariums, Observatories (Sky & Telescope) | Astronomy Data Center for Amateur Astronomers (NASA) | |
Skylinks: Astronomy Clubs on the Web (Sky & Telescope, includes only clubs that have Web pages) | Planetarium Software (dozens of astro software links) | |
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DejaNews (search engine for messages posted to Usenet newsgroups, search sci.astro.amateur) | |
StarWorlds (Search for astronomy organizations) | Sky Camping Worldwide (events and info on observing sites) | AstroWeb (Astronomy/Astrophysics on the Internet) |
ATM Mailing List FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) | Dobsonian Evolution (page with links to numerous examples of Dob designs) | |
Mel Bartels' Homepage (information for telescope making, includes a complete guide for outfitting a dob with computer-controller) | Dobsonian Telescope Plans (detailed plans for building a classic Dob design telescope, from the San Francisco Sidewalk Astronomers) | ATM site (Resources and Techniques for the ATM'er) |
Build your own 4 inch Dob (free detailed plans for an inexpensive scope) | Greg Babcock's ultralight (18 inch telescope) | |
Wood scope plans (Sky Valley Scopes) | ||
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MyStars Live (find out which constellations will be visible) | The Messier Objects (photos and information on each Messier object) | Messier Catalog (excellent site from SEDS) |
Terry's Hunt of the Month(observing lists) | Atlas of the Universe (zoom in and out to see what our universe actually looks like) | Weather Underground sky (online sky chart) |
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Moon (Lunar viewing information) | Solar System Simulator (need a solar system graphic?) | |
History of Astronomy (Archaeoastronomy, Ancient Astronomy, and Ethnoastronomy) | Nal Morris (BPAA guest speaker July, 1999, on Parowan Gap) | |
Criterian Dynascope Group (classic telescope, no longer sold, one is owned by BPAA) | ||
Terraserver (look for your house on a satellite photo) | Todd Gross' Astronomy (Boston weatherman with astronomy information, equipment reviews) | |
Home Planet Release 3 (free astro /space software package) | Astro PC (freeware program Carte Du Ciel) | |
Astronomy Picture of the Day (Different photo each day with an explanation by an astronomer) | Bad Astronomy (examples of astro blunders in movies, TV, magazines, etc.) | Dale Ireland's Astronomy (Astro Photos from Silverdale, WA, comets, eclipses, humor) |
Rocketry Online (search for model rocketry resources) | SETI at Home (search for extraterrestrial intellignence) | |
Dan's Astronomy Software (freeware and shareware) | Martindale's 'The Reference Desk: Calculators On-Line' Online Astro-physics calculators | |
Anacortes Telescope and Wild Bird (telescopes and accessories, Anacortes, WA) | Astronomy Guide (alphabetical list of astronomy manufacturers) | Astronomy Mall (vendor home pages, including several that do not have a separate link on this page. Also, classified ads.) |
Astro Dealers (a fairly complete list of dealers by Bill Nunnalee) | Astromart (listings of used equipment, search archives to check for price ranges) | |
Celestron (telescopes and accessories) | Discovery Telescopes (telescopes and accessories) | Astronomy Photos & Images |
DGM Optics (off axis reflectors) |
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Night Sky Information |
Meade (telescopes and accessories) | Mag 1 Instruments (portaball telescopes) | Murnaghan Instruments (Coulter, Dobsonian reflectors) |
Obsession Telescopes (large Dobsonians) | Rex's Astro Stuff (accessories) | Rigel Systems (accessories) |
Scientifics (was Edmund Scientific, small telescopes, science items) | SkyMap (software) | Night Sky Scopes(large reflectors) |
Software Bisque (The Sky software) | Stargazer Steve Telescopes (inexpensive reflectors) | StarMaster Portable Telescopes (reflectors, observing chair) |
Sienna (Starry Night software) | Starsplitter Telescopes (reflectors) | Swayze Optical (mirrors, Portland, OR) |
Orion Telescope and Binocular Center (telescopes and accessories) | Tele Vue Optics (refractors, eyepieces, accessories) | University Optics (eyepieces and accessories) |
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