Membership Application/Renewal Form
The membership application/renewal form below asks you to note (or update) your interests, your applicable capabilities and your willingness to serve on active committees. You have the option of individual memberships for $20 each, or $30 for the whole family. The annual dues have been kept to a minimum. But, remember that our organization cannot achieve its objectives from non-deductable dues alone. We urge you to strongly consider making a tax-deductable donation. Institutional donors tell us that they favor gifts which match donations from direct solicitation.
Battle Point Astronomical Association Date: ________________PO Box 10914, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 Name: __________________________________________________________________ (Last) (First) (MI) (Nickname) Address: __________________________________________________________________ (Street) (City, State) (Zip) Phone: ___________________________________________________________________ (Nightime) (Daytime) (Fax) (Email) Do you own a telescope? ___ Are you Retired? ___ Are you a student (K-12)? ___ Please indicate your interest in the areas of activity listed below. Place a 1 if you are interested and have no experience, a 2 if you have some training or experience, a 3 if you are well qualified. __ Facility and Grounds Care __ Journalist __ Construction __ BPAA administration __ Electrical systems __ Program adminstation __ Build your own telescope __ Membership records __ Build own CCD system __ Hospitality team __ BPAA Telescope construction and maint __ Telephone committee __ Manage BPAA telescopes __ Accounting __ Build electrictronic systems __ Manage donations __ Build optical systems __ Sales __ Program and run computers __ Secretarial __ Help with astronomy courses __ Technical Manual writer __ Liaison with other organizations __ Draftsman/tech illustrator __ Train students __ Machinist __ Manage lecture program __ Archaeoastronomy __ Staff publicity programs __ Professional astronomer __ observatory decent Individual memberships? ($20 each) ___ Family memberships? ($30 each) ___ For mailed paper newletters please add ($5) ___ to the above membership fee. Note: plain membership means you get the newsletter electronically. Individual(s): ______________________________________________________ Donation (tax deductable): ________________ Total (check enclosed): ________________