Bainbridge Island Harbor Commission
Executive Summary to
The Bainbridge Island Harbor Commission was tasked by the Harbor Management Plan with developing an Anchoring and Mooring Plan for Eagle Harbor. The Commission has considered a number of factors in developing the Recommended Actions which are the main functional part of this Plan. Included in those considerations are the character of Bainbridge Island and Eagle Harbor, the history and geography of the harbor, the historical uses of the harbor, its flora and fauna, safety, environmental responsibility, and the interests of the residents of Bainbridge Island and the citizens of the State of Washington.
The Anchoring and Mooring Recommended Actions, and information on potential Financing Options are attached to this Summary. The complete Draft Plan can be viewed on the City’s web site, or at City Hall.
This EAGLE HARBOR ANCHORING AND MOORING PLAN has been prepared by the Bainbridge Island Harbor Commission for submission to the citizens, elected officials and administrators of the City of Bainbridge Island, WA for their consideration and approval. The actions proposed in this document are in furtherance of and in accordance with the City of Bainbridge Island's Harbor Management Plan and the Shoreline Management Master Program as well as several related governmental ordinances, policies and regulations as further cited.
The objectives of this plan are as follows:
At the direction of the City Council, the Harbor Commission further proposes that this anchoring and mooring plan be implemented on a trial basis and that it be evaluated three years after its adoption to determine if established goals are being met and furtherance of the plan is warranted.
It should also be noted that, in addition to taking guidance from established municipal policies in the preparation of this plan, the Harbor Commission has given serious and due consideration to input and comments received from the general public, affected waterfront property owners, marina owners and other commercial operators, WSDOT ferry operation officials and a host of Federal, State and County agencies. In particular, the Harbor Commission has received detailed input from and worked closely with the Washington Department of Natural Resources in the development of this Plan,
Anchoring and Mooring Recommended Actions:Anchoring and mooring in Eagle Harbor will only be allowed in designated areas.
EntranceAnchoring and mooring is permitted north of the navigation channel and east of the Ferry Terminal. A specifically designated anchoring and mooring area may be delineated for this area in the future.
No anchoring or mooring is permitted south of the navigation channel and Ferry Terminal over the Wyckoff EPA cap. Buoys mark this area. Planning and negotiation should begin for the establishment of additional mooring facilities over the EPA cap using techniques that do not disturb the integrity of the cap. This area would be particularly appropriate for mooring of barges and other commercial vessels. For instance, 4-5 buoys between Wyckoff and the existing marinas on the south side would provide moorage for larger vessels without resulting in the re-suspension of contaminated sediments or otherwise interfering with the cap.
All mooring buoys and associated ground tackle placed in Eagle Harbor subsequent to the adoption of this Plan will be conform to design and maintenance requirements established by the City. The approved design will minimize adverse environmental impacts such as scouring of the bottom.
It is recognized that the area available under this plan for anchoring and mooring in Eagle Harbor is limited:
It is also recognized that all citizens of Bainbridge Island, surrounding communities, and the State have legitimate claims to use of available resources. Finally, it is recognized that the City of Bainbridge Island has a special interest in how this limited resource is allocated to further its goals of diversity, economic development and recreational opportunity for its citizens:
Existing City Services:
Proposed City Services:
This plan will be administered by the Harbormaster, and enforced by the Harbormaster and such other authorities as have jurisdiction. The Harbormaster, in concert with other City authorities, will develop a Harbor Operations/Procedures Manual to describe such administration. Violation of any regulations adopted in furtherance of this plan will be strictly enforced.
Inner harbor. Anchoring.Temporary anchoring is permitted in this area so long as it does not interfere with established mooring buoys or vessels attached to them, and does not interfere with the safe conduct of water-skiing during months the designated area is operative. No anchoring is permitted in the Aquatic Conservancy Area. Some anchoring occurs on privately owned tidelands.
Following is a summary of potential user fees, local revenue sources and grant funds that could be used to generate revenue for harbor-related work. The types of user fees listed below and our estimate of the associated revenue are, at this stage, merely ideas and wild guesses on how to fund much-needed work in Bainbridge Island harbors. Activities for which this revenue is needed include the purchase of navigation buoys to mark the channel in Eagle Harbor, the operation of portable pump-outs, and the regulation and collection of moorage fees.
Leaseholder Excise Tax $ 3,841
32% of the leaseholder tax paid to DNR (which is 12.84% of the total lease payment) is returned to local jurisdictions to cover the cost of services. In 1998, the City of Bainbridge Island received $3,841.
Mooring Buoy Leases $ 12,500
There are approximately 250 mooring buoys in Bainbridge Island waters. Only five are currently permitted. $50/year for each buoy would pay for one person working quarter time to register, monitor and enforce mooring buoy regulations. Actual fees charged would depend on a number of factors, including administrative expense and shoreside impact of moored boats.
Moorage fees $ 35,000
Fees collected from the City Dock, the linear moorage system and the four mooring balls attached to the linear moorage system in 1999 was $16,000. It is estimated that summer months generate approximately $2,000/mo. If it were legal to collect such fees under the terms of the City’s lease from DNR, the City could probably continue to collect annualized revenue of $16,000. Additional fees will be generated from long term, transient and commercial moorage in Eagle Harbor. A portion of this income would probably go to the State.
Lease Payments from Resident Anchored out Liveaboards $ 18,750
If 25 Resident Anchored out Liveaboards were to pay an average of $125/mo. for moorage and City services, the revenue generated would be $3,150/mo. Assuming 50% occupancy, we could expect annual revenue of $22,500. A portion of this income might go to the DNR, which would reduce expected income.
Washington State Parks & Recreation Commission
Contact: Dona Wolfe, (360) 902-8511
Public funding for pump-outs, new or replacement, stationary or portable, mobile skiffs with pump-outs, dump stations, etc. Funds can pay for up to 75% of facility construction and installation costs.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, "Small Navigation Projects"
Contact: Lester Soule, (206) 764-3699
Cost sharing available for recreational navigation, mooring buoys aids to navigation. Cost share is usually 50%. Cities are eligible.
Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, "Boating Facilities"
Contact: Eric Johnson, (360) 902-3015
Funds available for shoreline and upland acquisition, including transient vessel moorage. $8 million available for the 1999-2001 biennium.
Department of Natural Resources, Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account (ALEA)
These funds are largely used for acquisition and public access though funds can also be directed toward restoration. Bainbridge Island just got a big chunk for acquisition of the Blakely Harbor property.
Puget Sound Water Quality Action Team
There may be funds available for establishing "No Discharge Zones." This idea is currently being explored.
Department of Ecology, State Revolving Fund
Contact: Brian Howard (360) 407-6510
Cities can apply for low-interest loans. If the money is paid back within five years, no interest is charged. Cities are being encouraged to apply because so few jurisdictions are applying for low interest loans through the State Revolving Fund that the State is having to forego access to millions of dollars from the Federal Government for this program.
Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife
Projects to enhance Bainbridge Island harbors with a salmon protection spin might qualify for funds.
The complete "Eagle Harbor Anchoring and Mooring Plan" is available:
City Website: Hall Self-Help Library- City Hall, 280 Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Island.
Bainbridge Library
Contact: Tami Allen, 206.780-3733, or email