A RESOLUTION of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, to acknowledge the importance of Earth Day and support the community-wide activities and events that remind us of our Island's connection to the rest of the planet and our responsibility to preserve and protect our environment.


WHEREAS, Earth Day is Monday, April 22, 2002; Earth Day celebrates the theme, "Protect Our Home," and involves people around the world over the course of several days; and

WHEREAS, Earth Day is celebrated annually to recommit to the goals of a healthy environment and a peaceful, just and sustainable world; and

WHEREAS, the City of Bainbridge Island and our citizens are committed, through the goals of the Comprehensive Plan, ordinances, policies and our actions, to the preservation and stewardship of our natural landscape, open space and sensitive environmental areas; and

WHEREAS, the City of Bainbridge Island and our citizens are committed to preserve agricultural land and encourage activities that support locally grown food; and

WHEREAS, the City of Bainbridge Island fosters and encourages environmentally-sound businesses and promotes the use of non- motorized transportation; and

WHEREAS, we acknowledge our collective responsibility for environmental education, stewardship and community sustainability; and

WHEREAS, we acknowledge that, to "Protect Our Home" - our Island and our Earth - we, as Council, must provide leadership, tap into the expertise and talent of our community and engage the hearts and minds of all citizens;



NOW BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, reaffirms its commitment to the goals and principles of Earth Day. In recognition of Earth Day 2002, and in keeping with our mission to protect and enhance the long-term health of Bainbridge Island's natural environment, economy and community, we support Earth Day by:

    1. Inviting and encouraging all citizens, businesses, organizations, schools, clubs, congregations, neighborhoods and families to participate in community Earth Day activities, and engage in environmentally sound practices every day.
    2. Encouraging partnerships between and among businesses, environmental organizations, schools and the artist community to help raise community awareness.
    3. Co-sponsoring community activities and providing support through City departments.
    4. Demonstrating leadership through participation
    5. Using the observance of Earth Day as a springboard for exploring new avenues to sustainability.
    6. Continually evaluating City operations, facilities, services, and purchasing to ensure the highest standard of environmental protection.
    7. Forging partnerships with local organizations, environmental professionals, businesses and citizens to accelerate the adoption of Island-wide sustainability practices and becoming a model for the region.