Tools for Measuring Assets

This is not a scientific tool. It is a tool to help parents think about assets in place in their children's lives, and to help people in families and other groups talk about assets. Check each statement that you think is true for you or your child. Think of "family-" to mean the people your child lives with and other relatives. Consider having a discussion at the dinner table asking your children how they rate themselves.

1.I give a lot of warmth and caring to my child at home.

2. I'm an "askable parent", open to talking when my child brings up issues, and we often talk about serious matters.

3. My child talks about serious matter with other adults who are not his or her parents.

4. Our neighbors support my child.

5. My child's school is a caring, encouraging place.

6. help my child do well in school.

7. My child is valued by adults in our community.

8.My child has useful roles in our community.

9. My child serves in our community one hour or more each week.

IO. My child is safe at home, at school, and in the neighborhood.

11. I set clear standards for behavior and check up on where my child is.

12. My child's school has clear rules and consequences for behavior.

13. Neighbors let someone know when they see kids misbehave or in trouble.

14. The adults around my child behave in a positive and responsible way.

15. My child's close friends behave in a responsible way.

16. The adults around my child, including teachers, encourage my child to do well.

17. My child spends three hour or more each week learning or practicing music, drama, or other arts.

18. My child spends one hour or more in sports, clubs, or organizations in the school or community.

19. My child spends one hour or more each week involved in religious or spiritual activities.

20. My child goes out "with nothing special to do" no more than two nights each week.

21. My child wants to do well in school.

22. My child is actively engaged in learning.

23. My child does an hour or more of homework each school day.

24. My child cares about his or her school.

25. My child reads for pleasure three or more hours each week.

26. My child believes helping other people is really important.

27. My child wants to promote social justice and equality.

28. My child can stand up for what he or she believes.

29. My child tells the truth even when its not easy.

30. My child can accept and take personal responsibility.

31. My child believes it is important not to have sex or to use alcohol or other drugs.

32. My child is good at planning ahead and making decisions.

33. My child is good at making and keeping friends.

34. My child knows and is comfortable with people of different cultures or races.

35. My child can resist negative peer pressure and risky situations.

36. My child tries to deal with conflict without using violence.

37. My child feels in control over many things that happen to him or her.

38. My child feels good about himself or herself.

39.My child believes his or her life has purpose.

40. My child feels good about his or her future.

Adapted from What Kids Need to Succeed 1997 Search Institute, with permission. This checklist may be copied for home use.